Everything Under The Sun > FACTS

What you need to know about this board.


Note: This post is likely to change
Use this board
* You need to know how to do something on the site
* You have a problem with how the site itself functions
* You have a suggestion for the site
* You have a technical question that has nothing to do with the site concerning software or hardwareKeep in Mind
* Management reserves the right to delete, move or reorganize posts and threads to keep them easy to use for the long term. This is not a normal practice for other boards, but when one is looking for resources the less clutter the better.
* Just because you made a suggestion does not mean it will be acted upon.
* Problems that can be fixed, will be fixed when ever Gothic Fires feels like figuring out how to fix it. I am the only admin here experienced with coding and my knowledge is very limited. Currently my personal stress is very high. Until that passes the likely hood of me delving into the guts of this forum is slim to none.


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