In The Dark/JointVentures Role Playing Forum

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Due to spammers annoying me, if you wish to become a member of this board you most first PM me (Gothicfires) through

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Author Topic: Site Map  (Read 6346 times)


  • Chaos in a Dream
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  • Posts: 1621
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Site Map
« on: June 07, 2009, 09:04:32 PM »
Everything Under The Sun
This is a public board that anyone can read, but only members can post in. No sexual content should be posted in any of its boards.

Role Playing Rules, Information & Entry
After you have created a login and confirmed it via email then post an introduction on this board.

Role Playing Resources
Useful information to help improve your role playing experience.

Technical 'How Tos' and Problems/Suggestions for the site. Only the 'How To's will be mapped

The place to hawk your favorite band or tell people what you are listening to at the moment.

Poetry & Prose Hawk your favorite writer or tell us what you are reading.

News Important notices about the board such as updates or outages. Any other events in the news you wish to discuss.

In The Dark
This board is ran by Gothicfires and tends to focus (but not limited to) stories with dark Gothic themes. There is a writing standard that must be adhered to. No post can be under 100 words.

Castle This area is for games that do not contain anything that may make someone very uncomfortable (include non-con, rape, extreme violence). Anyone may start a one-on-one on their own. A child board for group games can be requested.

Library Where old games are kept before final deletion, poetry, art, notes, useful resources
  • ArchivesGames are generally placed here if they have not been posted in for at least 30 days. They may be deleted after 90 days.
  • Poet's Corner A place to share your poetry
  • Bard's Tale A place to post writings you have done by yourself.
  • Resources Links to anything that you think someone else will find useful
  • Art Gallery Pictures or Art you would like to share
  • Notes A place for you to store anything you need. Game ideas, game lists, notes on games. Discussions with partners on games to keep your PM box from being cluttered or information lost by accidental deletion

Tavern The tavern is the place to post anything that doesn't fit in the role playing areas (The Castle & Oubliette) or the library.
  • Games Wanted Advertise for games you would like to play.
  • Sordid Secrets This is where you list things that interest you and set limits to what you will not do. It is optional and not all inclusive. No one is required to stick by the information given here.
  • Absences & Announcements A courtesy to let your writing partners know when there is a change in your normal schedule.
  • Promotion & Such This area is to give ideas on the promotion of the site or give permission to let some of you work (no sexual & credited) be used in promotion of the site.

Oubliette This area is for games that contain non-con, rape or anything else someone might not want to read. If you are sensitive stay out of this area.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2009, 08:08:09 PM by GothicFires »
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